"Happiness is where welfare and quality of life are authentic"

Design and growth in the circles of life

Developing personal skills and strategic steps for creating personal value in an era of change A unique lecture for creating value in the occupational world using a holistic method

Target Audience

Executives to aspire for a managerial and personal breakthrough, and realizing their specialties and managerial abilities

About the lecture…

In the lecture I will detail the rate of changes in the new world, and discuss the daily challenges in developing areas of influence and personal branding. These days, managers are required to be sharp and practically prepared in order to withstand the true challenge which lies within value and influence.

A four hour meeting

Among the subjects discussed:

  • Personal Branding – How and what to do in a branding process;
  • Life Changing Experience – Towards change, how to execute change, and how to correctly focus during the process of change;
  • Professional ID – Building an individual and separate personal identity;
  • Story Teller – An identity builder personal story in the business world;
  • Decision Making Process – In accordance with value perception and analysis;
  • Adopting interpersonal strategies for creating an enabling environment for conducting organizational and business changes;
  • Shattering inhibiting systems and leveraging empowering systems for creating value;
  • Passion is not a dirty word – innovative tools for creating the “sparkle in your eyes” in the organizational management world.

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Lecture: "About the parallel connections between personal and occupational power"

A sweeping lecture – about the insights derived from the fateful change as an employed senior executive, transitioning and soaring up as self-employed

In the lecture, Rinat Nachum mentors independent thinking and cognitive change.


About taking responsibility and making the connection between strength and gentleness, courage and will power, personal and occupational image

For several years now, Rinat Nachum accompanies, lectures and counsels those who are at a crossroad.

Rinat tells her personal story comprised of many scenes dating long before she single handedly established her business.

A two hour meeting

To register, please fill in your details

Lecture: "The brave journey into the unknown"

About the powerful journeys in my life: In the lecture I will tell of the journey into the reality enforced upon me and the journey taken in the reality chosen.

Transitions in the circles of uncertainty, the courage in choosing and the will to crack each code and hurdle in life.

A personal, holistic and exciting creation over points in time: Insights, sobering up and making life changing decisions.

In the lecture – the wondrous story into an uncharted land as an anonymous enabler, a journey of landscapes, aromas and tastes like in life itself…

The marvelous journey to Morocco, 3,000 km of independent driving, the local dwellings in the Atlas Mountains and the very unexpected surprise in the Sahara desert.

A two hour meeting

To register, please fill in your details